When It Rains... a novel by Marjorie Spoto When It Rains... a novel by Marjorie Spoto
When It Rains... a novel by Marjorie Spoto

About the Author ...

When It Rains... was inspired from Marjorie Spoto's true-life experiences.  Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease took both her mother and her grandfather.  It took three years to pen both script and novel, based on the same story. The story stems from her own fears of having familial type ALS. The Film, slated to be directed by Charles Matthau (son of the late Walter Matthau) and produced by Michael Meltzer and Solalysts Studios. You can read her story by purchasing her book.  Marjorie Spoto is from Sweet Home, Oregon.

Marjorie Spoto lives in Key West, FL with her husband and two children. An ALS Activist and writer, she is currently working on the film version of the story and her next book, Denver Or Bust.

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